I think the lack of awareness is one of the major contributions to the continual spread of AIDS around the world. In various cultures, people are unwilling to discuss AIDS because its method of infection has negative connotations. Therefore, many people are unaware of the dramatic impact that AIDS has on our society today. If people knew how much AIDS has transformed our society, more action will be taken to prevent its spread. Since the internet is the easiest method of communication, I decided that I will create a website that raises the awareness of AIDS in all parts of the world. The main page of the website will consist of a map of the world and perhaps a basic description of what the website is about and some basic information about AIDS. Users can click on any continent to enlarge it, and then click on a country. This will then link to a page with information about AIDS in that specific country, such as statistics on the distribution of AIDS, socioeconomic problems that have arisen, possible solutions to those problems, and what has already been done. The information might be presented in the form of a video if available and include pictures from the country. At the bottom of the page, there will be a series of links to organizations that are currently working on projects in that country so that users can choose to make donations to those organizations or perhaps even choose to work with the organization. If possible, there will also be a comment section where people can post to the website to discuss their experiences with AIDS in that part of the world, because the website will be more influential if there are first-hand opinions available. For larger countries like the United States and China, there may be pages for specific areas or cities, since the information on AIDS in each area will differ. The goal of this website is to compile all of the basic information on AIDS in every part of the world so that information on AIDS is more accessible to people around the world. Hopefully, after surfing through this website, people will become more aware of what AIDS has done to places around the world and take action.
After pondering about my last proposal for the project, I decided that it was too ambitious and would like to change it to the following:
One of my first exposures to the extent of the AIDS epidemic involved contacting and eventually making a donation to a school in Kenya, Jambo Jipya, for AIDS orphans. Therefore, in this project I would like to explore the consequence that AIDS has on these children, with a specific focus on their education and what it would mean for the development of Kenya. I will be looking at the demographics of these children – including which class and race they belong to. I will also be examining who or which group supports these children, such as whether their extended family take them in and why (maybe also who from the extended family is responsible), who supports them if members of the extended family are unable to do so, and the government’s responsibilities on the children’s welfare including any controversies on to what extent the government is responsible. I may be able to do a case study on the school of Jambo Jipya by doing a survey of the roughly 200 children attending school there. My paper will be focusing specifically on these children’s education, so I will be discussing the extent of the gap between the availability of education for the average Kenyan student and that for an AIDS orphan while comparing that to similar cases around the world. I will be comparing how well an AIDS orphan does in school compared to that of an average child and also the highest degree of education that the children receive, again comparing this to other countries and attempting to find an explanation for why Kenya is different. I am hoping to conclude from this project how AIDS has affected Kenyan children’s education and how this could be an obstacle in the future development of the country.
Possible sources I will be using:
· http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VBF-47TFC83-2&_user=145269&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1045661335&_rerunOrigin=scholar.google&_acct=C000012078&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=145269&md5=d06bd234f5a26b2f6d0c5034e76c275f
· http://www.childresearchpolicy.org/images/Health_and_nutritional_status.pdf
· http://www.hsrc.ac.za/index.php?module=pagesetter&type=file&func=get&tid=14&fid=document&pid=2177
· http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0168851001001452
· http://www.jstor.org/stable/1515189
· http://db.jhuccp.org/ics-wpd/exec/icswppro.dll?BU=http://db.jhuccp.org/ics-wpd/exec/icswppro.dll&QF0=DocNo&QI0=118289&TN=Popline&AC=QBE_QUERY&MR=30%25DL=1&&RL=1&&RF=LongRecordDisplay&DF=LongRecordDisplay
· http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/demography/v044/44.1evans.pdf
· http://books.google.com/bookshl=en&lr=&id=O_hxXiM3IwsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=aids+orphans+kenya&ots=MMs6dc4aJv&sig=oNDORnlF4QMrh6Mrk1DHvpjf46A#v=onepage&q=aids%20orphans%20kenya&f=false
· http://www.atypon-link.com/GPI/doi/abs/10.1521/aeap.2007.19.5.383
· http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001293/129353e.pdf
I will also be collecting statistics from Jambo Jipya with the help of Keela Dates.
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This is a great idea. It does seem ambitious though, and I wonder if you could achieve your goals within the next 8 weeks or so. Also, how would your website differ from other websites, such as UNAIDS? You could, for example, tailor it to a particular population such as adolescents or college students...